First Owen Sound United Church

First United Church, Owen Sound


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Scope of Worship.

Worship will be held in the sanctuary. A maximum of 70 persons may attend, based on the 30% occupancy rate limitation. Two worship services per week may be scheduled, separated by not less than 72 hours (schedule of worship to be determined by the worship group). The length of services will be reduced to limit exposure time. There will be no choral or congregational singing. Soloists or duets are permitted with physical spacing of 3 metres from others. Offering envelopes to be dropped in a plate at the exit point from the sanctuary; counters will wear PPE. There will be no social time or coffee hour. The minister may meet with families in the lower hall as required. Video worship services will continue to be provided to those who do not attend in person.

Physical Distancing and Infection Prevention Measures. The following measures will be in place for each worship service:

1)  entry and exit will be through separate entrances - entry through the parking lot doors and exit through the Narthex doors.

2)  flow of pedestrian traffic will be clearly marked with directional/distancing decals and ushers will be in place to guide/control entry and exit. Ushers  and counters will be provided with PPE including masks and gloves.

3)  hand sanitizer will be provided at entrances, exits and in washrooms.

4)  masks will be mandatory in the building. People will be encouraged to provide their own. If they cannot provide their own, a mask will be provided.

5)  ushers will record the names and contact info of all who enter and will administer a COVID-19 screening questionnaire.

6)  individuals must sit in designated pews at 2 metre intervals, as marked. Family groups may sit together. Infants and children shall remain with their parents or guardians at all times.

Pre-worship Preparations. Before worship service, the following actions are required:

1)  hymn books, bibles and other materials will be removed from the pews.

2)  pew seating will be marked in 2 metre intervals.

3)  2 rows of pews will be roped off between each occupied row.

4)  one washroom on the main floor will be open for use. The person using the washroom will sanitize surfaces using disinfectant spray/wipes provided. Hand sanitizer will be provided for use by the person before exiting the washroom.

5)  all other washrooms will be closed, as will other areas of the church not needed for worship (staircases, balcony, lower kitchen, program rooms...).

6)  the drinking fountain will be unplugged.

7)  coat hangers will be removed from coat racks - worshippers are expected to retain their coats and overshoes.

8)  prop open passage doors between entrance and exit.

Post-worship Actions. Following worship:

1) clean and disinfect high traffic areas, common areas, washrooms.

2) clean and disinfect high-touch, shared surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, faucets and taps, elevator buttons, railings, etc.

3) close all passage doors.

Communications & Education. Council will be responsible to prepare a communications plan covering the following elements:

1)  informing all members of the church of the re-opening plan.

2)  informing renters of the re-opening plan.

3)  informing the public of the re-opening plan.

4)  provision of all necessary signage, interior and exterior.

5)  provision of screening questionnaire format.

6)  creation of "do's and don'ts" briefing for use prior to each worship service.

Be well, be kind to each other, stay connected.

May God bless the space between us.

Pat McDonough, Chair of Church Council.

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