Bracebridge United Church

Bracebridge United Church

46 Dominion St., Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 2A5


Our email is unavailable while our hosting provider recovers from a malware attack.
In the meantime, please contact us at

COVID UPDATE: Please note that the church is not open to visitors or general traffic through the building at this time, but continues to be available for a limited number of church/community groups and Sunday worship, following COVID protocols.
Details here >>>

Everyone welcome. Come as you are.

WOW ~ What a Week!

Have you been looking for us this week? We have have been "missing in action" as the host provider for our website provider suffered a co-ordinated malware attack! ACK! What that means is that to keep our data safe, the provider took all data offline. Ouch. This means no website and no emails until things can be safely put back online! If you sent us an email and didn't hear back, now you know why!

In the meantime, as we wait for everything to be brought back online, please connect with us in one of the following ways:

Call the church office ~
Email the church office at our "old" email address:

Email our Ministry Team at their "temporary" email address:

Join us each week for online 
worship or live worship!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

White Gift Sunday

White Gift Sunday will be celebrated on

December 13 during both our live and virtual services. At each service, our youth and young people will present a “virtual pageant” around the theme “Do Not Be Afraid!” We will continue our tradition of collecting gift cards and donations for our local Women’s Shelter and the

Manna Food Bank.

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